
NBC Sports Raffles

Fri, 20 Nov 2015
from 5:45pm to 7:15pm

by Brian Lomas
Posted: about 9 years ago
Updated: about 9 years ago by
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: 1 hour before
Ends: 07:15pm (duration is about 2 hours)

NBC Sports Raffles

We are running the Raffles at Northmead Bowling Club this Friday evening

We need a minimum of 3 Volunteers to help sell tickets

Please be there by 5:45pm ready to start selling Tickets at 6:00pm

Why not take the family down for dinner and a refreshment and show them your support

NBC Sports is an important and highly valued Sponsor of the club… We need to support the sponsors that support us..

Look forward to seeing as many of you as possible on Friday evening👍🍻


Northmead Bowling Club